Vive le Vélo T-shirt 'Belgian legends' (kids)


30.00 €

CD 'Quincampoix' (Geert Vandenbon)
CD 'Quincampoix' (Geert Vandenbon)
20.00 €
20.00 €
Decca 'Base layer' (black)
Decca 'Base layer' (black)
29.95 €
29.95 €

Vive le Vélo T-shirt 'Belgian legends' (kids)

Dive into Belgian cycling history with one T-shirt. Many years of cycling passion, represented by legendary names that made cycling shine. Each name carries with it a legacy of glory. Together they form the backbone of our cycling tradition, a testament to unparalleled achievement and perseverance.

An indispensable piece of cycling history to show off to friends and family.

Quality T-shirt made from 100% organic cotton.

This product is no longer available.

kids size 3-4 or 5-6 or 7-8 or 9-11 or 12-14